2020 Grant Awards
To support the Illinois Digital Learning Lab
24 months
To support the Chicagoland Workforce Funders Alliance
12 months
General operating support
24 months
General operating support
12 months
To support Education Systems Center’s work with the 60 x 25 leadership communities.
12 months
To support Elevate’s work supporting low income workers.
12 months
To support the exploration of day labor worker needs in the west and northwest suburbs
18 months
General operations for the organization’s work in Illinois.
24 months
General operating support
24 months
General operating support
24 months
General operations for the organization’s work in Illinois.
24 months
To support the Chicago Anchors for a Strong Economy (CASE) Program
12 months
To support the Voices of Youth in Chicago Education (VOYCE) Initiative
24 months
For general operating support
24 months
For general operating support
12 months
To support the Special Education Rights Clinic
12 months
To support the Policy and Leadership Department
24 months
For general operating support
12 months
To support the High School Success & College Persistence Program
12 months
General operating support for work in Illinois
12 months
General operating support for Elgin-based work
24 months
For general operating support
24 months
For general operating support
24 months
For general operating support
24 months
For general operating support
24 months
General operating support for the Jayne Shover Center
24 months
For general operating support
24 months
General operating support for Elgin-based work
24 months
For general operating support
24 months
General operating support for the Elgin Center and Recovery Home
24 months
For general operating support
12 months
General operating support for Elgin-based work
24 months
For general operating support
24 months
For general operating support
12 months
To support the Citizenship for All program
12 months
For general operating support
12 months
For general operating support
24 months
To prevent the flow of invasive species in the Great Lakes waterways and support restoration projects in Illinois
24 months
To support the feasibility of establishing a public-private parntership program to reduce flood risk and restore floodplan habitat
12 months
To support the network of grassland stewards and community engagement efforts
24 months
To support the Illinois Working Lands, Water, and Wildlife Conservation Partnership
12 months
General operating support
24 months
To support coal ash solutions and protection of Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
12 months
General operating support
12 months
General operating support
12 months
General operating support
24 months
General operating support
36 months
General operating support
12 months
General operating support
12 months
General operating support
12 months
To support expanded outreach and construction of wetlands on farmland to reduce nutrient pollution into Illinois waterways
24 months
Special Opportunities
Emergency Response Grants
Emergency COVID-19 relief grants to 52 current grantees for a total of $378,750.
Grant duration between 3-6 months
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